Stroud Artists Books


Links to useful websites, tutorials etc.


The Book Arts Web –
BABE and the Book Arts Newsletter – Bristol Book Arts Exhibition (BABE)
Society of Bookbinders – The Society of Bookbinders
Library of Book Artists Sketchbooks – The Sketchbook Project
Marches Book Group – Marches Book Arts Group
Curator Space (link to PAGES but shows opportunities generally) – PAGES International Contemporary Artists Book Fair
Artists Books Journal – The Journal of Artists Books
Center for book arts:
Artists Book Centre: Artist’s Book Centre

Courses, Tutorials etc:

Sea Lemon on YouTube
Crafting Handmade Books with Vintage Page Designs on Facebook. Run by Ali Manning with Weekly free mini tutorials on the Facebook site

DAS Bookbinding on Youtube is an excellent source of videos for all types of binding

For supplies:

John Purcell Papers:
Lawrence Art Supplies:
Jackson’s Art:
Pegasus Art Stroud
James and Owen Stroud (photocopying, large format printing art supplies):

Books on book-binding and book arts:

Making Handmade Books by Alisa Golden – isbn: 978-1-60059-587-5
The Art of the Fold by Hedi Kyle and Ulla Warchol – isbn: 978-1-78627-293-5
The Book as Art, ed. Krystyna Wasserman – isbn: 978-1-56898-992-1

Books by Keith Smith – several excellent books to order from the USA

The following is a list from Darryn Schneider on his DAS Bookbinding YouTube channel of his book choices.
They are linked to Amazon and other pages if you wish to learn more.

1) Bookbinding basics

Fritz Wiese: Der Bucheinband (6. ed. 1983)
– definitely THE “classic” and vademecum in Germany, unfortunately
available in German only

Franz Zeier: Schachtel – Mappe – Bucheinband (2. ed. 1990)
– Swiss-made quality book on bookbinding basics, also available in
English as Books, boxes and portfolios“:

Keith A. Smith: Books without paste or glue – Non-adhesive binding vol.
1 (rev. ed. 2007)
– very good, detailed and richly illustrated descriptions

Vasco Kintzel: Bücher perfekt selbst binden (2005)
– simple, but straight forward and well illustrated, I use it for my
courses in basic bookbinding; again, not available in English

2) Advanced bookbinding

János A. Szirmai: The archaeology of Medieval bookbinding (2017)

Karin Scheper: The technique of Islamic bookbinding (2015)
– not as well illustrated as Szirmai, but with a lot of background
information. It is based on her PhD thesis.

Kojiro Ikegama: Japanese bookbinding (2005)
– good explanations, many illustrations, and lots of background information

3) Special topics

Roger Green: A comprehensive guide to box making (2020)
– the ‘missing manual’ on box making

Claire Van Vliet & Elizabeth Steiner: Woven and interlocking book
structures (2002)
Here is a link to this pdf from our website

Fritz Wiese: Sonderarbeiten des Buchbinders (1984)
– another German “classic”, that continues where the other “Wiese” (see
above) ends

Robert Barclay, Carole Dignard and Carl Schlichting: The gentle art of
applied pressure (2004)

– a small but helpful volume about going beyond what you can do with a
bookbinder’s press